
The conference is being held in Salt Lake City, Utah. For a more detailed program of the conference, please visit Program at a Glance. We will soon provide more information about the doctoral symposium.

Register to MIDL 2025

Each accepted paper needs at least one author to register for the conference. Please make sure to enter the ID of the paper you submitted on the registration form.


Early registration will be up to May 15th 2025.

Early-Bird Registration Without Housing$640
Early-Bird Registration With Housing$865
Late Registration Without Housing$750
Late Registration With Housing$975

Low cost housing is provided (optional) in the student dormitories at the Kahlert village for the block of 5 nights with the first night being July 7, 2025 and the last night being July 11, 2025 for all MIDL participants. Paying for specific nights is not possible. However, we ask that you indicate your arrival and departure dates on the registration form to help us with the check-in and check-out process. Each individual will be assigned to their own bedroom with shared bathrooms between 2-3 rooms. Pictures of accommodations are provided below for your information. The Kahlert village is within 15 minutes walking distance to the conference venue: See it on the map!.




For early-bird registrations, a full refund will be issued if requested by emailing [email protected] before April 8, 2025. No refunds will be issued after this date.

Visa Letter

Visa letters will only be issued upon completion of paid registration. If you need a visa invitation letter, please make sure to answer “yes” to the question pertaining to visa letters on the registration form.