Author Instructions
Submission Links
Submission Instructions
We will be using as a submission and reviewing platform.
Full papers contain methodological developments or well-validated applications of deep learning algorithms in medical imaging. The paper length is limited to 8 pages excluding references, acknowledgments and appendix sections. There is no page limit for the references and appendices, but reviewers are not obliged to evaluate any content included in an appendix section. The papers will go through a full, single-blind reviewing process via OpenReview. A selection of full papers will be invited for oral presentation. All accepted full papers will be published in the Proceedings of Machine Learning Research.
To submit a paper, authors need to have an updated OpenReview account.
Inquiries to the program chairs can be addressed directly to [email protected].
Rebuttal and Discussion
Authors are expected to submit a comprehensive rebuttal addressing the comments raised by the reviewers during the rebuttal period. In order to fully address the comments of the reviewers, the authors are free to modify or add any additional details, experiments or images that might be required in their paper. It is important to keep in mind however that the page limit is 8 pages for the main paper excluding references, acknowledgements and the appendix sections. After the rebuttal, a discussion period will start on which the authors and reviewers will have the chance to interact. Τhe reviewers will be able to see all answers when submitted and can potentially provide feedback. However, it is expected that during the discussion period, the reviewers will be more committed and responsive to your answers. The discussion is a unique feature of MIDL, and we recommend taking full advantage of it, as it tends to improve paper outcomes.
Short Paper
In addition to original work, authors can choose to submit a shortened version of a recently published, or submitted, journal publication to foster dissemination of high-quality work. Submissions that are substantially similar to versions that have been accepted or submitted in parallel to other conferences with proceedings are not allowed. Please note the short paper track opens after the full paper review cycle is completed - deadlines are listed on Important dates.
In both cases, dual submission of your paper to a non-peer reviewed website like arXiv is allowed. Similarly, submissions that have been presented at non-archival workshops (i.e., venues that do not have publication proceedings or publish only a very short abstract) do not violate the policy.
Short papers are strictly limited to 3 pages (excluding references).
This policy will be enforced during the whole reviewing process period.
Latex template
To prepare your submission to MIDL 2025 either as a full or short paper, please use the LaTeX style files.